
The Disturbed is a Slack app that manages a rotating schedule for your team. The active person in that rotation, called the "Disturbed", will be responsible for handling questions and other issues that come up in the channel. This frees the rest of the team to pretty much ignore the myriad of questions a popular channel receives.


To install The Disturbed into your Slack workspace, click on this button:

Add to Slack

After selecting your workspace and approving the app and its necessary permissions, the app will now be available in any channel, private or public.

Pick a team channel that receives a significant amount of questions, often one that sees "@here" overused. Start by finding the right people that can answer most of the questions, and add them to the rotation via:

/disturbed add @JoeHackett @BrianHackett

You can add as many people as you'd like. When the rotation looks right to you, enable it with:

/disturbed enable

With a shift enabled, two things will happen:

  1. The topic will be updated to say who is the disturbed.
  2. The @disturbed bot will join the channel, if it isn't already a member, and listen for mentions. When it receives a mention, it will reply to the message, creating a thread, and replaying the mssage, but this time mentioning the active disturbed.

That's it! You can tweak the schedule through the /disturbed override command described below or add it to another Slack channel. Each Slack channel will have its own roster and rotation.

Please don't hesitate use the /disturbed feedback command to give me feedback on how it could be even better.

Slash Commands

Command Description Example
/disturbed View the current schedule and status /disturbed
/disturbed add MENTION Adds one or more people to the disturbed roster. /disturbed add @JoeHackett @BrianHackett
/disturbed remove MENTION Removes one or more people from the disturbed roster /disturbed remove @JoeHackett
/disturbed users Lists the users on the current roster, in no particular order /disturbed users
/disturbed override SHIFT_ID MENTION Overrides one of the shifts to the mentioned user. The shift id comes from viewing the current schedule. You can currently only override one of the next 6 shifts. /disturbed override 1 @JoeHackett
/disturbed start DAY_OF_WEEK at HOUR:MINUTE TIMEZONE Sets when the shifts should start. /disturbed start Tuesday at 09:15 PST
/disturbed reset Resets a schedule, removing all participants /disturbed reset
/disturbed enable Enables the disturbed rotation for this channel /disturbed enable
/disturbed disable Disables the disturbed rotation for this channel /disturbed disable
/disturbed link CHANNEL Links the current channel to the rotation owned by another channel /disturbed link #myteam
/disturbed unlink Unlinks the current channel from the linked rotation. Resets it back to its own rotation. /disturbed unlink
/disturbed feedback MESSAGE Sends a bit of feedback to The Disturbed app author, so me :) The more honest, the better. /disturbed feedback This is saving my team heaps of time!